Sedona Gillard ’24 is interning at the New England Aquarium as a Giant Ocean Tank intern. She dives 2-3 times a day, 3 days a week. The dives consist of feeding, tank maintenance, and animal husbandry, and she also helps with certain animal exams and interacts with guests. Sedona states, “I am very excited about my internship with New England Aquarium, it truly is a once in a lifetime experience and I couldn’t be more grateful for this opportunity. I have gained so many new skills through this internship and the staff at NEAq is amazing. They are some of the most motivated and passionate people I have ever met. If you are interested in marine science I highly recommend any and all NEAq internships.” On campus, she is on the varsity track team, a resident advisor, a FYE mentor, part of the baking club, book club, green team and athletic diversity committee!