For Students

Earned a Badge?

Interested in seeing what badges you can earn? Click here to explore!

Why Are Digital Badges Beneficial?

While hundreds of individuals might earn the same badge, each badge is unique and verifiable. Digital badges are valuable in that they offer more ways to showcase and share skills, knowledge and achievements, than a typical college transcript. Watch the video below that explains why digital badges can help you get ahead in your career:

What Can I Do With a Badge?

Once you’ve earned and accepted your badge, the next step is to share it with the world! The video will walk you through how to share your badge and enhance your personal brand.

How Can I Stand Out?

Looking to create a professional profile that will stand out? Watch the video below!

New! Credly’s Transcript Feature

Credly now offers you the ability to produce a consolidated, competency-based transcript. Transcripts include records of professional and academic credentials that can be easily shared digitally. You can now share your official Transcript directly with registrars via Credly. Sending an official transcript is immediate and saves transaction time. Official transcripts are digital and machine-readable by college admissions systems, recruiting, and talent management systems. 

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