Engineering, Technology & AnalyticsSchool of Engineering and Computational Sciences

Learning Go

Go, also known as Golang, is one of the most popular programming languages for command line applications, web services, and the cloud. In this course, learn the basics of Go, using GitHub Codespaces as your development environment. See how to use the fundamental building blocks of Go applications: variables, collections, conditional logic and loops. Instructor David Gassner also covers practical uses of Go, such as working with files, requesting and processing content from the web, and working with data structured as JSON strings.

This course is integrated with GitHub Codespaces, an instant cloud developer environment that offers all the functionality of your favorite IDE without the need for any local machine setup. With GitHub Codespaces, you can get hands-on practice from any machine, at any time—all while using a tool that you’ll likely encounter in the workplace. Check out “Using GitHub Codespaces” in this course to learn how to get started.

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